Divorced parents can focus on their children by creating a fair custody schedule. Sharing parenting time means working together and putting the kids first. The best way to create a custody schedule is to craft it around the child’s age.
Infants and babies need a consistent routine, which means both parents should be heavily involved in the parenting schedule. They also have limited capacity for memory, which means the best custody schedules should have both parents spending every few days with them. The 2-2-3 schedule might be best as one parent spends two days with the child, the other parent spends the next two days with them and then they switch so that the first parent spends three days with the baby. You can also switch off every two days as an alternative to the 2-2-3 schedule.
When creating a parenting schedule for your toddler, it should be predictable. They need consistency and both parents involved regularly. Like even younger babies, these children should do well with the 2-2-3 or alternating every two days schedules. The 4-3 schedule, which sees the child spending four days with one parent and the next three with the other, could also work well.
Elementary school kids
The alternating weeks schedule might work with kids who are elementary school age. However, parents might want to modify that to avoid potential separation anxiety in their child. The 5-2 schedule has the child spending five days with one parent and then the remaining two days of the week with the other. After that week, the parents alternate.
Teens don’t need as intensive parental attention as younger kids, so parenting schedules involving them can be more flexible. Custody schedules can be alternating weeks, alternating weekends or even every two weeks.
The court is amenable to parenting schedules that take the child’s age into consideration. If your schedule is appropriate, the judge can make it official.